
viewIdea {#get}

Get data of the viewIdea widget.

Authentication is dependent on the Public/Private setting of Affiliate WebStorms.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- idea_id
required |Get the viewIdea object by idea ID
Sample value: "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" format
optional |Specifies returned data format
Accepted value: "json", "xml"

Resource Information

Authentication: See Access Permission for LIST member

HTTP Methods: GET

Request URL Format: https://{api_domain}/api3/widget/viewIdea

Access Permission {#listPermission}

Private WebStorms: Requester must authenticate to get data.

Public WebStorms: No authentication required to get data.

Requster Role: Some attributes are accessible base on the idea state and the requester's role.

  • Hidden idea: Admin only
  • Hidden comment count: hidden comments are included in count for Admin only
  • Anonymous idea: Submitter data returns for authorized requester. Authoriztion is defined in WebStorm setting.

Options: Respond actionable option for the given requester. The information specifies if and how the given request can interact with the object

  • vote_option: Specify the voting options available to requester

    "PROMOTE": Requester can promote the idea

    "DEMOTE": Requester can demote the idea

    "CLEAR_OPINION": Requester can clear votes

    "PROMOTE_DISABLED": Pomote is disabled for the idea

    "DEMOTE_DISABLED": Demote is disabled for the idea

  • control_option: Specify controls available to requester

    "HIDE_IDEA": Requester has the permission to hide the idea

    "EDIT_IDEA": Requester has the permission to edit the idea


  • You are not authorized to view this idea
  • Invalid GUID
  • Invalid idea ID or you don't have access to this idea

Example Request

  • Method: GET
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:

    ~~~ { "idea": { "id": "0D7C82A2-4B20-42C1-A54C-9608FFF55CDA", "title": "Here is a great Idea Title", "description": "Here is a great Idea Description", "visible": true, "anonymous": false, "ideacode": "D635", "datedisplayed": "6 days ago", "voteoption": [], "controloption": [], "additionalquestions": [ { "id": "BD6EC5D5-28D3-4BAF-B73F-35C0BD8E6513", "description": "Radio question 1?", "type": "radio", "required": true, "responsetext": " Radio answer B", "options": [ { "id": "B68AED9A-4528-402B-B297-5152CB592639", "description": "Radio answer A", "order": "1", "selected": false }, { "id": "47D3F670-4F6F-4E8F-8EB5-693FDFA39A4F", "description": "Radio answer B", "order": "2", "selected": false }, { "id": "1C725C5D-6E30-4B16-B35C-4E280FC8E36C", "description": "Radio answer C", "order": "3", "selected": false } ] }, { "id": "FF644DF7-A8FA-4795-8F59-003F4AE0981A", "description": "Checkbox question 2", "type": "checkbox", "required": false, "responsetext": "Checkbox answer B ,Checkbox answer C", "options": [ { "id": "131A27BB-0131-4081-BCA0-F3CE92C6A7A0", "description": "Checkbox answer A", "order": "1", "selected": false }, { "id": "976603C0-A84B-48BD-AFFC-9D5413BF5CD0", "description": "Checkbox answer B", "order": "2", "selected": true }, { "id": "91F7529F-291C-4812-98C4-B9F3275635A5", "description": "Checkbox answer C", "order": "3", "selected": true } ] }, { "id": "ACDB0D67-987E-4D90-A022-D1336E4DD1AF", "description": "Short answer question 3", "type": "text", "required": false, "responsetext": "Here is a great Idea short answer" }, { "id": "2C28E088-D7F8-4E7A-8BA4-8E104CDAE4E9", "description": "Long text question 4", "type": "textarea", "required": false, "responsetext": "Here is a great Idea long answer" }, { "id": "53EF3BEA-90BF-446B-800C-9F7E60CD8555", "description": "Dropdown question 5", "type": "select", "required": true, "responsetext": "Dropdown answer C", "options": [ { "id": "912EE8FC-57C8-4A88-AA85-48627639E9C4", "description": "Dropdown answer A", "order": "1", "selected": false }, { "id": "9F332A68-9396-4411-9D6C-1C9986320654", "description": "Dropdown answer B", "order": "2", "selected": false }, { "id": "4C3FEECD-469F-4830-BD4F-49FEE484CE31", "description": "Dropdown answer C", "order": "3", "selected": true }, { "id": "5D431D0E-7453-4783-8257-3F96B2F0E6F0", "description": "Dropdown answer D", "order": "4", "selected": false } ] } ], "score": 1, "datecreated": "2013-04-18 12:16:41.667", "datemodified": "2013-04-24 15:53:11.517", "member": { "id": "B471BFED-BCC2-49CC-A917-5F09AA73EEB3", "screenname": "Max Power", "firstname": "Max", "lastname": "Power", "jobtitle": "Safety Inspector", "skills": "Boxer, Mascot, Astronaut, Baby proofer, Truck driver, Hippie, Plow Driver, Food Critic", "workhistory": "Conceptual Artist, Mayor, Country Western Manager, Garbage Commissioner, Mountain Climber", "phone": "123456-7890", "mobilephone": "987654-3210", "address": "742 Evergreen Terrace Springfield IL", "datecreated": "2013-04-18 11:27:48.537" }, "category": { "id": "4E9A86C2-0ACA-4481-A44F-EAC5B4D8056B", "name": "Category 4" }, "status": { "id": "D329EF01-D051-40AB-BB18-F13C03F3BE9C", "name": "Status 1" }, "campaign": { "id": "0A140858-AD8A-4F97-9926-D80AD156A130", "name": "Sample Campaign", "description": "Sample Campaign Description", "datecreated": "2013-03-07 17:10:38.107" }, "promotes": [ { "datecreated": "2013-04-18 12:16:42.470", "member": { "id": "B471BFED-BCC2-49CC-A917-5F09AA73EEB3", "screenname": "Max Power", "firstname": "Max", "lastname": "Power", "jobtitle": "Safety Inspector", "skills": "Boxer, Mascot, Astronaut, Baby proofer, Truck driver, Hippie, Plow Driver, Food Critic", "workhistory": "Conceptual Artist, Mayor, Country Western Manager, Garbage Commissioner, Mountain Climber", "phone": "123456-7890", "mobilephone": "987654-3210", "address": "742 Evergreen Terrace Springfield IL", "datecreated": "2013-04-18 11:27:48.537" }, "idea": { "id": "0D7C82A2-4B20-42C1-A54C-9608FFF55CDA", "title": "Here is a great Idea Title", "description": "Here is a great Idea Description", "visible": true, "anonymous": false, "ideacode": "D635", "datedisplayed": "", "voteoption": [], "controloption": [], "datecreated": "2013-04-18 12:16:41.667", "datemodified": "2013-04-24 15:53:11.517", "campaign": { "id": "0A140858-AD8A-4F97-9926-D80AD156A130", "name": "Sample Campaign", "description": "Sample Campaign Description", "datecreated": "2013-03-07 17:10:38.107" } } } ], "demotes": [], "comments": [], "commentcount": 0, "tags": [ { "id": "590F3642-0908-40CE-8F5F-8CCBF0689A12", "name": "beach" } ], "attachments": [], "merged": [] }, "displayOptions": { "337": false, "344": false } } ~~~

FAQ {#faq}

Question: What is the difference between the object GET idea request and the widget viewIdea request.

Answer: viewIdea widget returns additional option and control information for a given idea. See Access Permission for detail. The data is useful for external application design. It tells the application wheter the given user can interact with the object.