
communityStats {#get}

Get data of the community stats widget. API returns ideas, comments, votes and users count for a given affiliate.

Requester must have access to the affiliate in order get the stats.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- campaign_id
optional |This is the ID of campaign
Sample value: "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" format
optional |Specifies returned data format
Accepted value: "json", "xml"

Resource Information

Authentication: Required. See Authentication for details on authentication.

HTTP Methods: GET

Request URL Format: https://{api_domain}/api3/widget/communityStats

Access Permission {#listPermission}

Requester must have access to the campaign in order get community stats. See Authentication for details on authentication.


  • You are not authorized to view this widget
  • Invalid GUID
  • Invalid ID or you don't have access to this widget

Example Request

  • Method: GET
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:

    ~~~ { "stats": { "ideas": "123", "comments": "43", "votes": "152", "users": "6" } } ~~~