
LIST category {#list}

Get data on a list of category objects. Objects are order by default.

On retrieving large set of data, requester should use pagination parameters such as page and page_size to manage multiple requests.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- campaign_id
optional |Filter return by campaign ID
Sample value: "11111111-1111-1111-1111-1111111 idea_count
optional |Specifies number of ideas in every category.
optional |Specifies number of records returns per page. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 100
Sample value: 50 page
optional |Specifies which page of records to return. Default: 1. Minimum: 1. Maximum: {page_count}
Sample value: 5 format
optional |Specifies returned data format
Accepted value: "json", "xml"

Resource Information

Authentication: See Access Permission

HTTP Methods: GET

Request URL Format: https://{api_domain}/api3/category

Access Permission {#listPermission}

Access to data varies base on system setting and requester roles. See Authentication for details on authentication.

Private WebStorms: Requester must authenticate to get data.

Public WebStorms: No authentication required to get data.


  • Invalid object ID or you don't have access to this object

Example Request

  • Method: GET
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:

    ~~~ { categorylist: [3] 0: { id: "FE107799-2990-4BA6-8B86-51E4FB8E595F" name: "General" campaignid: "1FCEB03C-A11B-49B7-BE2C-F7C576920782" } 1: { id: "0A6DCF79-5E40-461F-A53C-68B0BF82D7A6" name: "General" campaignid: "1F93FD4F-F06D-456A-AFE9-825CE9B591F2" } 2: { id: "6DA3BF08-1142-49E1-BF74-108ECE48C9F7" name: "General" campaignid: "0E3C90CC-2261-4F12-A7EF-EF32939842F6" } stats: { total: 3 pagecount: 1 currentpage: 1 } } ~~~

FAQ {#faq}

Question: LIST category only return 100 objects maximum per request. How do I retrieve more results.

Answer: LIST category response is automatically paginated. You can specify which page of the result a request should return. For example, if you requested for 100 category objects in the initial request, pass "page_size=100&page=2" to get the next 100. page_count is returned with every LIST request so your application can figure out when it hits the end.

Question: How do I create a category?

Answer: CREATE category is not currently an available functionality.

Question: How do I delete a category?

Answer: DELETE category is not corrently an available functionality.