
GET comment {#get}

Get data of one comment object.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------- | ------------- format
optional|Specifies returned data format
Accepted value: "json", "xml"

Resource Information

Authentication: See Access Permission

HTTP Methods: GET

Request URL Format: https://{api_domain}/api3/comment

Access Permission {#listPermission}

Access to data varies based on system settings and requester roles. See Oauth 2.0 for details on authentication.

Private WebStorms: Requester must authenticate to get data.

Public WebStorms: No authentication required to get data.


  • Invalid object ID or you don't have access to this object

Example Request

  • Method: GET
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:

    ~~~ { "comment": { "id": "8083607B-635E-459B-BF5D-44FA93AD2600", "datecreated": "2013-05-01 17:20:39.460", "text": "test from sharepoint", "member": { "id": "0D5E31E8-42E9-496F-B14A-47BB0EEBF0FD", "email": "", "screenname": "John Doe", "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "jobtitle": "Sales", "address": "123 fake street", "phone": "(123) 456-789", "mobilephone": "(987) 654-3210", "externaluserid": "", "skills": "Selling Software", "workhistory": "Worked at", "datecreated": "2012-04-27 14:57:14.710", "active": true }, "idea": { "id": "CAA46BF2-15D7-4A7D-BF99-8383705CA0A7", "datecreated": "2013-04-17 14:35:21.450", "datemodified": "2013-05-22 15:24:09.977", "title": "Test Idea Title", "description": "Test Idea Description.", "visible": true, "anonymous": false, "ideacode": "D432", "campaign": { "id": "1F93FD4F-F06D-456A-AFE9-825CE9B591F2", "name": "Going Green Challenge", "description": "This campaign is for Going Green Challenge ", "datecreated": "2012-04-25 10:26:03.557" } }, "attachment": { "id": "6443995A-685D-4B81-9C54-40179D840D0C", "referenceid": "1B3E0D23-3C13-429E-ADA7-58770EDC3302", "extension": "jpg", "originalfilename": "example.jpg", "grouping": "COMMENT", "url": "", "type": "image/jpeg" } } } ~~~

# LIST comment {#list} Get data on a list of comment objects. Objects are order by created date descending by default. On retrieving large set of data, requester should use pagination parameters such as `page` and `page_size` to manage multiple requests. ## Parameters Parameters | Detail ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- **idea_id**
optional |Filter return by idea ID
**Sample value:** "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" **text**
optional |Filter return by comment text
**Sample value:** "This is a great comment" **date_created**
optional |Filter return by comment created date. Response contains all comments created within the 24 hours of the specified date
**Sample value:** "12/06/2009" **member_id**
optional |Filter return by ID of comment submitter
**Sample value:** "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" **page_size**
optional |Specifies number of records returns per page. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 100
**Sample value:** 50 **page**
optional |Specifies which page of records to return. Default: 1. Minimum: 1. Maximum: {page_count}
**Sample value:** 5 **order**
optional |A SQL style string that specifies the order the records should return in
**Sample value:** "date_created ASC, idea_code DESC"
**Accepted attributes:** "idea_id", "member_id", "parent_id", "date_created" **format**
optional |Specifies returned data format
**Accepted value:** "json", "xml" ## Resource Information `Authentication`: See [Access Permission](#listPermission) `HTTP Methods`: GET `Request URL Format`: https://{api_domain}/api3/comment ## Access Permission {#listPermission} Access to data varies base on system setting and requester roles. See [Oauth 2.0](oauth20) for details on authentication. **Private WebStorms**: Requester must authenticate to get data. **Public WebStorms**: No authentication required to get data. **Requster Role**: Some response attributes are accessible base on the requester's role. - Hidden comment count: hidden comments are included in count for Admin only ## Errors - Invalid object ID or you don't have access to this object ## Example Request - Method: GET - Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c - URL: `` ~~~ { "comment_list": [ { "id": "06C42FE0-9AFE-4680-9110-15F1E348C2BA", "date_created": "2013-05-20 13:49:53.507", "text": "This is a test comment", "replies": [], "member": { "id": "F7C06FC4-634B-4F64-9AF6-643602BB9B93", "email": "", "screen_name": "John Doe", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", "job_title": "Sales", "address": "123 fake street", "phone": "(123) 456-789", "mobile_phone": "(987) 654-3210", "external_user_id": "", "skills": "Selling Software", "work_history": "Worked at", "photo_url": "", "date_created": "2011-10-19 18:36:16.603", "date_modified": "2012-03-17 20:34:38.420", "active": true, "photo_file_id": "1EC9065D-82FA-4C55-9B7F-48FEE94E6C31", "department": "Sales" }, "idea": { "id": "61C2E6C7-09A5-4F63-8969-4E09AB786BAA", "date_created": "2013-05-20 13:49:04.077", "date_modified": "2013-05-20 13:58:06.190", "title": "Test Idea Title", "description": "Test Idea Description.", "visible": true, "anonymous": false, "idea_code": "D3258", "campaign": { "id": "31AA7A65-AA33-4FB5-97F4-8063AD06ADD6", "name": "Going Green Challenge", "description": "This webstorm is for Going Green Challenge", "date_created": "2011-06-03 21:08:53.370" } }, "attachment": { "id": "6443995A-685D-4B81-9C54-40179D840D0C", "reference_id": "1B3E0D23-3C13-429E-ADA7-58770EDC3302", "extension": "jpg", "original_filename": "example.jpg", "grouping": "COMMENT", "url": "", "type": "image/jpeg" } }, { "id": "AB7C9D04-6257-4648-A19D-7184D69D3D46", "date_created": "2013-05-20 13:34:46.067", "text": "Another Test Comment", "replies": [], "member": { "id": "F7C06FC4-634B-4F64-9AF6-643602BB9B93", "email": "", "screen_name": "Max Power", "first_name": "Max", "last_name": "Power", "job_title": "Safety Inspector", "address": "742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield, IL", "phone": "(123)456-7890", "mobile_phone": "(987)654-3210", "external_user_id": "0072", "skills": "Boxer, Mascot, Astronaut, Baby proofer, Truck driver, Hippie, Plow Driver, Food Critic", "work_history": "Conceptual Artist, Mayor, Country Western Manager, Garbage Commissioner, Mountain Climber", "photo_url": "", "date_created": "2011-10-19 18:36:16.603", "date_modified": "2012-03-17 20:34:38.420", "active": true, "photo_file_id": "1EC9065D-82FA-4C55-9B7F-48FEE94E6C31", "department": "Safety" }, "idea": { "id": "FD76F6A1-7FA9-4F58-8C73-33A0809E9D68", "date_created": "2012-01-19 16:55:01.260", "date_modified": "2013-05-20 13:34:48.550", "title": "Sample Idea Title", "description": "

Sample Idea Description.

", "visible": true, "anonymous": false, "idea_code": "D486", "campaign": { "id": "31AA7A65-AA33-4FB5-97F4-8063AD06ADD6", "name": "Going Green Challenge", "description": "This webstorm is for Going Green Challenge", "date_created": "2011-06-03 21:08:53.370" } } } ], "stats": { "total": "21738", "page_count": 1087, "current_page": 4 } } ~~~

# CREATE comment {#create} Create a comment object. Requester must have access to the Campaign in order to create an comment in it. ## Parameters Parameters | Detail ----------------------------------------| ----------------------------------- **comment**
required |This is the title of the comment. Minimum 1 character, maximum 100 characters. String will be truncated if length exceeds maximum
**Sample value:** "Test comment text" **idea_id**
required |This is the ID of the idea
**Sample value:** "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" **comment_id**
optional |This is the ID of the parent comment
**Sample value:** "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" **attachment**
optional |This is the attachment of the comment. Multiple files can be attached to comment. Request accepts file object. Maximum 7 MB.
**Accepted format:** jpg, gif, bmp, png, jpeg, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, avi, wmv, mov, flv, csv, zip ## Resource Information `Authentication`: Required. See [Oauth 2.0](oauth20) for details on authentication. `HTTP Methods`: POST `Request URL Format`: https://{api_domain}/api3/comment ## Access Permission Requester must have access to the Campaign in order to create a comment in it. See [Oauth 2.0](oauth20) for details on authentication. ## Errors - Idea ID is required for creating comment - You don't have permission for this campaign - {parameter} must be more than {minimum_length} characters - {parameter} must be less than {maximum_length} characters - Invalid {parameter} received - Missing required parameter ## Example Request - Method: POST - Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c - URL: `` - Form data: - comment=This is a test comment - idea_id=627E43D5-5137-4B33-8C0E-85F6CC70CB4B ~~~ { "comment": { "id": "2DF4666E-DF74-4706-B000-CA4E41779B7C", "date_created": "2013-05-20 15:46:58.640", "text": "This is a test comment", "member": { "id": "1F11CEBB-1BED-419D-9615-AFBDDF5AEA02", "email": "", "screen_name": "John Doe", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", "job_title": "Sales", "address": "Mercer India Private Limited 5th - 9th Floor Building 14A Sector 24 - 25 DLF Cyber City Gurgaon 12", "phone": "(123) 456-789", "mobile_phone": "(987) 654-3210", "external_user_id": "12345", "skills": "Selling Software", "work_history": "Worked at", "photo_url": "", "date_created": "2011-05-03 13:40:46.750", "date_modified": "2013-04-01 18:05:08.587", "active": true, "photo_file_id": "F82636BA-F658-4268-8184-ABA4D6685AA0", "department": "23" }, "idea": { "id": "627E43D5-5137-4B33-8C0E-85F6CC70CB4B", "date_created": "2013-05-01 16:03:51.953", "date_modified": "2013-05-20 15:46:58.787", "title": "Test Idea Title", "description": "Test Idea Description.", "visible": true, "anonymous": false, "idea_code": "D439", "campaign": { "id": "B2E840AE-2FE5-47A8-9CE3-C496E241F400", "name": "Going Green Challenge", "description": "This webstorm is for Going Green Challenge", "date_created": "2013-05-01 15:51:32.263" } } } } ~~~

UPDATE comment {#update}

Update a comment.

Function updates only value of parameters passed through request. To empty out an attribute, pass parameter with blank value.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------------------------| ----------------------------------- comment
required |This is the text of the comment. Minimum 1 character, maximum 100 characters. String will be truncated if length exceeds maximum
Sample value: "This is a sample comment"

Resource Information

Authentication: Required. See Oauth 2.0 for details on authentication.

HTTP Methods: PUT

Request URL Format: https://{api_domain}/api3/comment/{id}

Access Permission

Authentication is required for UPDATE comment. See Oauth 2.0 for details on authentication.

Requester's ability to update an comment is dependent on campaign comment setting.


  • You don't have permission for this campaign
  • {parameter} must be more than {minimum_length} characters
  • {parameter} must be less than {maximum_length} characters
  • Invalid {parameter} received
  • Missing required parameter

Example Request

  • Method: PUT
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:
  • Form data:

    • comment=This is a sample comment

    ~~~ { "comment": { "id": "2DF4666E-DF74-4706-B000-CA4E41779B7C", "datecreated": "2013-05-20 15:46:58.640", "text": "This is a sample comment", "member": { "id": "1F11CEBB-1BED-419D-9615-AFBDDF5AEA02", "email": "", "screenname": "John Doe", "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "jobtitle": "Sales", "address": "Mercer India Private Limited 5th - 9th Floor Building 14A Sector 24 - 25 DLF Cyber City Gurgaon 12", "phone": "(123) 456-789", "mobilephone": "(987) 654-3210", "externaluserid": "12345", "skills": "Selling Software", "workhistory": "Worked at", "photourl": "", "datecreated": "2011-05-03 13:40:46.750", "datemodified": "2013-04-01 18:05:08.587", "active": true, "photofileid": "F82636BA-F658-4268-8184-ABA4D6685AA0", "department": "23" }, "idea": { "id": "627E43D5-5137-4B33-8C0E-85F6CC70CB4B", "datecreated": "2013-05-01 16:03:51.953", "datemodified": "2013-05-20 15:46:58.787", "title": "Test Idea Title", "description": "Test Idea Description.", "visible": true, "anonymous": false, "ideacode": "D439", "campaign": { "id": "B2E840AE-2FE5-47A8-9CE3-C496E241F400", "name": "Going Green Challenge", "description": "This webstorm is for Going Green Challenge", "date_created": "2013-05-01 15:51:32.263" } } } } ~~~

DELETE comment {#delete}

Delete a comment object. Requester must be an Admin.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------------------------| ----------------------------------- format
optional |Specifies returned data format
Accepted value: "json", "xml"

Resource Information

  • Authentication: Required
  • HTTP Methods: DELETE
  • Request URL Format: https://{api_domain}/api3/comment/{id}

Access Permission

Requester must be an Admin.


  • Invalid GUID received

Example Request

  • Method: DELETE
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:

    ~~~ { "message": "success", "code": 200 } ~~~

FAQ {#faq}

Question: LIST comment only return 100 objects maximum per request. How do I retrieve more results.

Answer: LIST comment response is automatically paginated. If you got 100 comment objects in the initial request, pass "page_size=100&page=2" to get the next 100. page_count is returned with every LIST request so your application can figure out when it hits the last page.