
CREATE ideaAttachment {#create}

Create an idea attachment object.

Requester must have the correct permission to the idea in order to create attachment in it.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------------------------| ----------------------------------- idea_id
required |This is the ID of the idea the attachment belongs to
Sample value: "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" attachment
required |This is the attachment. Value must be file object. File size is restrictd to 7MB maximum. To create multiple attachments in the same request, pass parameter name: attachment1, attachment2...
Accepted Format: jpg, gif, bmp, png, jpeg, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, avi, wmv, mov, flv, csv, zip.

Resource Information

Authentication: Required. See Authentication for details on authentication.

HTTP Methods: POST

Request URL Format: https://{api_domain}/api3/ideaAttachment

Access Permission

Idea submitter can create attachment for his own idea. Admin can create attachments for others ideas.

Idea submitter and Admin must have access to the idea in order to create attachments for it.


  • Invalid GUID received
  • Upload Error: file too large
  • Missing required parameter

Example Request

  • Method: POST
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:
  • Form data:

    • idea_id=D0B723EB-4C9E-48D5-A227-A092D4B7C932
    • Attachment: {File}

    ~~~ { "attachments": [ { "id": "983B2462-AFF3-4824-8BC7-7637D7DD4CFB", "referenceid": "D0B723EB-4C9E-48D5-A227-A092D4B7C932", "extension": "jpg", "originalfilename": "sample.JPG", "grouping": "IDEA", "url": "", "type": "image/jpeg" } ] } ~~~

DELETE ideaAttachment {#delete}

Delete a ideaAttachment object. Requester must have the correct permission to the idea in order to delete attachment from it.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------------------------| ----------------------------------- format
optional |Specifies returned data format
Accepted value: "json", "xml"

Resource Information

  • Authentication: Required
  • HTTP Methods: DELETE
  • Request URL Format: https://{api_domain}/api3/ideaAttachment/{id}

Access Permission

Idea submitter can delete attachment for his own idea. Admin can delete attachments for others ideas.

Idea submitter and Admin must have access to the idea in order to delete attachments from it.


  • Invalid GUID received

Example Request

  • Method: DELETE
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:

    ~~~ { "message": "success", "code": 200 } ~~~