
GET updateCommentHifive {#get}

Get data of one hifive object for an updateComment.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------- | ------------- format
optional|Specifies returned data format
Accepted value: "json", "xml"

Resource Information

Authentication: See Access Permission for GET update

HTTP Methods: GET

Request URL Format: https://{api_domain}/api3/updateCommentHifive/{id}

Access Permission {#GetPermission}

Access to update data varies based on system setting. See Authentication for details on authentication.

Private WebStorms: Requester must authenticate to get data.

Public WebStorms: No authentication required to get data.


  • Invalid object ID or you don't have access to this object

Example Request

  • Method: GET
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:

    ~~~ { "updateCommentHifive": { "id": "5C71F494-1156-4A40-8F89-4FD425F4F980", "memberid": "89166199-23DE-4037-98A7-E73495F5782F", "datecreated": "2014-01-02 14:07:58.830", "updateid": "B73B38ED-F4AD-4CC4-AB40-6CD42DC33F6D", "member": { "id": "89166199-23DE-4037-98A7-E73495F5782F", "email": "", "screenname": "John Doe", "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "jobtitle": "Sales", "address": "123 fake street", "phone": "123 456-789", "mobilephone": "987 654-3210", "externaluserid": "04567", "skills": "Selling Software", "workhistory": "Worked at", "datecreated": "2013-10-08 16:11:20.250", "active": true }, "comment": { "id": "B73B38ED-F4AD-4CC4-AB40-6CD42DC33F6D", "comment": "this is my activity comment", "datecreated": "2014-01-02 13:51:54.747", "updateid": "F4D70A66-6960-451E-8107-38328EC7A582", "update": { "id": "F4D70A66-6960-451E-8107-38328EC7A582", "message": "Hi there", "date_created": "2014-01-02 13:51:07.680" } } } } ~~~

LIST updateCommentHifive {#list}

Get data on a list of hifive objects for an updateComment.

On retrieving large set of data, requester should use pagination parameters such as page and page_size to manage multiple requests.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- id
optional |Filter return by updateCommentHifive ID.
Sample value: "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" update_id
optional |Filter return by update ID. Update is parent to updateCommentHifive
Sample value: "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" date_created
optional |Filter return by updateCommentHifive created date. Response contains all ideas created within the 24 hours of the specified date
Sample value: "12/06/2009" member_id
optional |Filter return by ID of updateCommentHifive creator
Sample value: "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" campaign_id
optional |Filter return by ID of a campaign
Sample value: "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" page_size
optional |Specifies number of records returns per page. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 100
Sample value: 50 page
optional |Specifies which page of records to return. Default: 1. Minimum: 1. Maximum: {pagecount}
Sample value: 5 order
optional |A SQL style string that specifies the order the records should return in.
Sample value: "date
created ASC".
Accepted attributes:"date_created" format
optional |Specifies returned data format
Accepted value: "json", "xml"

Resource Information

Authentication: See Access Permission for LIST updateCommentHifive

HTTP Methods: GET

Request URL Format: https://{api_domain}/api3/updateCommentHifive

Access Permission {#listPermission}

Access to update data varies based on system setting. See Authentication for details on authentication.

Private WebStorms: Requester must authenticate to get data.

Public WebStorms: No authentication required to get data.


  • Invalid object ID or you don't have access to this object

Example Request

  • Method: GET
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:

    ~~~ { "updateCommentHifivelist": [ { "id": "5C71F494-1156-4A40-8F89-4FD425F4F980", "memberid": "89166199-23DE-4037-98A7-E73495F5782F", "datecreated": "2014-01-02 14:07:58.830", "updateid": "B73B38ED-F4AD-4CC4-AB40-6CD42DC33F6D", "member": { "id": "89166199-23DE-4037-98A7-E73495F5782F", "email": "", "screenname": "John Doe", "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "jobtitle": "Sales", "address": "123 fake street", "phone": "123 456-789", "mobilephone": "987 654-3210", "externaluserid": "04567", "skills": "Selling Software", "workhistory": "Worked at", "datecreated": "2013-10-08 16:11:20.250", "active": true }, "comment": { "id": "B73B38ED-F4AD-4CC4-AB40-6CD42DC33F6D", "comment": "this is my activity comment", "datecreated": "2014-01-02 13:51:54.747", "updateid": "F4D70A66-6960-451E-8107-38328EC7A582", "update": { "id": "F4D70A66-6960-451E-8107-38328EC7A582", "message": "Hi there", "datecreated": "2014-01-02 13:51:07.680" } } }, { "id": "B1756367-DB53-48F2-8970-DB23C0BDFDE8", "memberid": "D0DDF77D-76E5-4D1A-B6BE-00086C7DF28E", "datecreated": "2014-01-02 14:07:21.733", "updateid": "B73B38ED-F4AD-4CC4-AB40-6CD42DC33F6D", "member": { "id": "D0DDF77D-76E5-4D1A-B6BE-00086C7DF28E", "email": "", "screenname": "Lillian Smith", "firstname": "Lillian", "lastname": "Smith", "jobtitle": "", "address": "", "phone": "", "mobilephone": "", "externaluserid": "", "skills": "", "workhistory": "", "photourl": "", "datecreated": "2013-09-26 10:52:59.967", "datemodified": "2013-10-11 10:56:18.723", "active": true, "photofileid": "D7074307-3F56-459E-A138-19CFCF6F241D", "department": "Quality" }, "comment": { "id": "B73B38ED-F4AD-4CC4-AB40-6CD42DC33F6D", "comment": "this is my activity comment", "datecreated": "2014-01-02 13:51:54.747", "updateid": "F4D70A66-6960-451E-8107-38328EC7A582", "update": { "id": "F4D70A66-6960-451E-8107-38328EC7A582", "message": "Hi there", "datecreated": "2014-01-02 13:51:07.680" } } } ], "stats": { "total": 2, "pagecount": 1, "currentpage": 1 } } ~~~

CREATE updateCommentHifive {#create}

Create a hifive object for an updateComment.

Requester must have access to the environment in order to create.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------------------------| ----------------------------------- comment_id
required |This is the ID of comment where the hifive should be created for
Sample value: "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" format
optional |Specifies returned data format
Accepted value: "json", "xml"

Resource Information

Authentication: Required. See Authentication for details on authentication.

HTTP Methods: POST

Request URL Format: https://{api_domain}/api3/updateCommentHifive

Access Permission

Requester must have access to the environment in order to create an hifive in it. See Authentication for details on authentication.


  • Missing required parameter

Example Request

  • Method: POST
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:
  • Form data:

    • comment_id=E1906058-51AB-4A65-915B-DF39820EC5A7

    ~~~ { "updateCommentHifive": { "id": "AF7658C5-FE64-4078-9792-898A7A94E2D2", "memberid": "D0DDF77D-76E5-4D1A-B6BE-00086C7DF28E", "datecreated": "2014-01-02 13:55:50.563", "updateid": "B73B38ED-F4AD-4CC4-AB40-6CD42DC33F6D", "member": { "id": "D0DDF77D-76E5-4D1A-B6BE-00086C7DF28E", "email": "", "screenname": "Lillian Smith", "firstname": "Lillian", "lastname": "Smith", "jobtitle": "", "address": "", "phone": "", "mobilephone": "", "externaluserid": "", "skills": "", "workhistory": "", "photourl": "", "datecreated": "2013-09-26 10:52:59.967", "datemodified": "2013-10-11 10:56:18.723", "active": true, "photofileid": "D7074307-3F56-459E-A138-19CFCF6F241D", "department": "Quality" }, "comment": { "id": "B73B38ED-F4AD-4CC4-AB40-6CD42DC33F6D", "comment": "this is my activity comment", "datecreated": "2014-01-02 13:51:54.747", "updateid": "F4D70A66-6960-451E-8107-38328EC7A582", "update": { "id": "F4D70A66-6960-451E-8107-38328EC7A582", "message": "Hi there", "datecreated": "2014-01-02 13:51:07.680" } } } } ~~~

DELETE updateCommentHifive {#delete}

Delete a hifive object of an updateComment. Requester must be an Admin.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------------------------| ----------------------------------- format
optional |Specifies returned data format
Accepted value: "json", "xml"

Resource Information

  • Authentication: Required. See Authentication for details on authentication.
  • HTTP Methods: DELETE
  • Request URL Format: https://{api_domain}/api3/updateCommentHifive/{id}

Access Permission

Requester must be an Admin. See Authentication for details on authentication.


  • Invalid GUID received
  • Admin permission required.

Example Request

  • Method: DELETE
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:

    ~~~ { "message": "success", "code": 200 } ~~~

FAQ {#faq}

Question: LIST updateCommentHifive only return 100 objects maximum per request. How do I retrieve more results.

Answer: LIST updateCommentHifive response is automatically paginated. You can specify which page of the result a request should return. For example, if you requested for 100 idea objects in the initial request, pass "page_size=100&page=2" to get the next 100. page_count is returned with every LIST request so your application can figure out when it hits the end.