
postIdea {#get}

Get data of the post idea widget. API returns all information needed to construct an idea submission form for a given campaign.

Requester must have access to the campaign in order get post idea data.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- campaign_id
required |This is the ID of campaign the post idea widget belongs to
Sample value: "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" format
optional |Specifies returned data format
Accepted value: "json", "xml"

Resource Information

Authentication: Required. See Authentication for detail on authentication.

HTTP Methods: GET

Request URL Format: https://{api_domain}/api3/widget/postIdea

Access Permission {#listPermission}

Requester must have access to the campaign in order get post idea data. See Authentication for detail on authentication.


  • You are not authorized to view this widget
  • Invalid GUID
  • Invalid ID or you don't have access to this widget

Example Request

  • Method: GET
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:

    ~~~ { "questions": [ { "id": "title", "description": "Title of your idea", "required": true, "type": "text" }, { "id": "description", "description": "Describe your idea clearly", "required": true, "type": "richtext" }, { "id": "categoryid", "description": "Select a Category", "required": true, "type": "select", "options": [ { "id": "4FF9AF25-D67A-4AD1-BA2E-2AF692620DEF", "order": 1, "numideasincat": 111, "description": "Category 1" }, { "id": "C893B9AF-0622-4568-B56F-77600DE1EFAC", "order": 2, "numideasin_cat": 100, "description": "Category 2" }, ] }, { "id": "attachments", "description": "Attachment", "required": false, "type": "attachment" }, { "id": "BD6EC5D5-28D3-4BAF-B73F-35C0BD8E6513", "description": "Radio question 1?", "required": true, "type": "radio", "options": [ { "id": "B68AED9A-4528-402B-B297-5152CB592639", "description": "Radio answer A", "order": "1" }, { "id": "47D3F670-4F6F-4E8F-8EB5-693FDFA39A4F", "description": "Radio answer B", "order": "2" }, { "id": "1C725C5D-6E30-4B16-B35C-4E280FC8E36C", "description": "Radio answer C", "order": "3" } ] }, { "id": "FF644DF7-A8FA-4795-8F59-003F4AE0981A", "description": "Checkbox question 2", "required": false, "type": "checkbox", "options": [ { "id": "131A27BB-0131-4081-BCA0-F3CE92C6A7A0", "description": "Checkbox answer A", "order": "1" }, { "id": "976603C0-A84B-48BD-AFFC-9D5413BF5CD0", "description": "Checkbox answer B", "order": "2" }, { "id": "91F7529F-291C-4812-98C4-B9F3275635A5", "description": "Checkbox answer C", "order": "3" } ] }, { "id": "ACDB0D67-987E-4D90-A022-D1336E4DD1AF", "description": "Short answer question 3", "required": false, "type": "text", "options": [ { "id": "6862351A-BEC3-4DAC-9390-877D7540B05D", "description": "", "order": "0" } ] }, { "id": "2C28E088-D7F8-4E7A-8BA4-8E104CDAE4E9", "description": "Long text question 4", "required": false, "type": "textarea", "options": [ { "id": "6D9F76B4-C510-4828-87C7-7C1951680E2A", "description": "", "order": "0" } ] }, { "id": "53EF3BEA-90BF-446B-800C-9F7E60CD8555", "description": "Dropdown question 5", "required": true, "type": "select", "options": [ { "id": "912EE8FC-57C8-4A88-AA85-48627639E9C4", "description": "Dropdown answer A", "order": "1" }, { "id": "9F332A68-9396-4411-9D6C-1C9986320654", "description": "Dropdown answer B", "order": "2" }, { "id": "4C3FEECD-469F-4830-BD4F-49FEE484CE31", "description": "Dropdown answer C", "order": "3" }, { "id": "5D431D0E-7453-4783-8257-3F96B2F0E6F0", "description": "Dropdown answer D", "order": "4" } ] } ] } ~~~

FAQ {#faq}

Question: How I submit an idea data?

Answer: Use CREATE idea function for idea submission.