
GET member {#get}

Get data of one member object.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------- | ------------- with
optional |Returns sub-object or count of sub-objects relating to the member. If sub-object is requested, response will return the first 20 records
Accepted value: "groups", "group_count" format
optional|Specifies returned data format
Accepted value: "json", "xml"

Resource Information

Authentication: See Access Permission for GET member

HTTP Methods: GET

Request URL Format:

  • https://{api_domain}/api3/member/{id}
  • https://{api_domain}/api3/member/me

Access Permission {#getPermission}

Access to member data varies base on environment setting and requester roles. See Authentication for detail on authentication.

Private WebStorms: If the member Affiliate is running all Private WebStorms, requester must authenticate to get any member data.

Public WebStorms: If the member Affiliate is running any Public WebStorms.

  • Unauthenticated request: Response will contain only members who have accessed the current Public WebStorms. Other members will not return
  • Authenticated request: Response will contain all members

See Authentication for detail on authentication.

Requster Role: Some response attributes are accessible base on the requester's role.

  • email: Returns for Admin and Regular requester's own member object
  • external_user_id: Returns for Admin only
  • active: Returns for Admin only
  • group_count: Returns for Admin Only
  • groups: Returns for Admin Only


  • Invalid object ID or you don't have access to this object

Example Request

  • Method: GET
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:

    ~~~ { "member": { "id": "8FA49B96-3693-4282-8919-014618D7B3B8", "email": "", "screenname": "Max Power", "firstname": "Max", "lastname": "Power", "jobtitle": "Safety Inspector", "address": "742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield, IL", "phone": "(123)456-7890", "mobilephone": "(987)654-3210", "externaluserid": "0072", "skills": "Boxer, Mascot, Astronaut, Baby proofer, Truck driver, Hippie, Plow Driver, Food Critic", "workhistory": "Conceptual Artist, Mayor, Country Western Manager, Garbage Commissioner, Mountain Climber", "photourl": "", "datecreated": "2013-03-07 17:10:13.627", "datemodified": "2013-03-29 15:25:51.207", "active": true, "photofileid": "CCBCC6A7-98C9-48E1-92F3-0C05AAC78863", "department": "Human Resources", "groups": [ { "groupid": "91D82575-41D6-4D6F-AC9B-1EC2BF388725", "groupname": "Stonecutters", "datecreated": "2013-03-11 14:51:35.807" }, { "groupid": "48384157-0990-4B36-94CE-9D607AA6C995", "groupname": "The Atoms", "datecreated": "2013-02-13 15:31:05.063" }, { "groupid": "5693B37A-711B-4756-B7BB-A5E75B9969B8", "groupname": "BE Sharps", "datecreated": "2013-01-01 15:29:03.520" } ], "groupcount": 3 } } ~~~

LIST member {#list}

Get data on a list of member objects. Return bjects are ordered by member screen name by default.

On retrieving large set of data, requester should use pagination parameters such as page and page_size to manage multiple requests.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- id
optional |Filter return by member ID
Sample value: "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" email
optional |Filter return by member email address. Parameter is available to Admin requester only
Sample value: "" screen_name
optional |Filter return by member screen name
Sample value: "Max Power" last_name
optional |Filter return by member last name
Sample value: "Power" first_name
optional |Filter return by member first name
Sample value: "Max" job_title
optional |Filter return by member job title
Sample value: "Safety Inspector" address
optional |Filter return by member address
Sample value: "742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield, IL" phone
optional |Filter return by member phone info
Sample value: "(123)456-7890" mobile_phone
optional |Filter return by member mobile phone info
Sample value: "(987)654-3210" externaluserid
optional |Filter return by member employee ID info. Parameter is available to Admin requester
Sample value: "0072" date_created
optional |Filter return by member created date. Response contains all members created within the 24 hours of the specified date
Sample value: "12/06/2009" date_modified
optional |Filter return by member last modified date. Response contains all members modified within the 24 hours of the specified date
Sample value: "12/06/2009" active
optional |Filter return by member active/inactive state. Parameter is available to Admin requester only
Accepted Value: 1: For active member, 0: For inactive member group_id
optional |Filter return by the ID of a group member are assigned to. Parameter is available to Admin requester
Sample value: "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" have_visited
optional |Filter return by the ID of a campaign members are visited
Sample value: "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" have_access
optional |Filter return by the ID of a campaign members have access to
Sample value: "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111" page_size
optional |Specifies number of records returns per page. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 100
Sample value: 50 page
optional |Specifies which page of records to return. Default: 1. Minimum: 1. Maximum: {pagecount}
Sample value: 5 order
optional |A SQL style string that specifies the order the records should return in.
Sample value: "date
created ASC, screenname DESC".
Accepted attributes: "id", "email", "screen
name", "firstname", "lastname", "jobtitle", "address", "phone", "mobilephone", "externaluserid", "datecreated", "datemodified", "active" with
optional |Returns sub-object or count of sub-objects relating to the member. If sub-object is requested, response will return the first 20 records
Accepted value: "group_count" format
optional |Specifies returned data format
Accepted value: "json", "xml"

Resource Information

Authentication: See Access Permission for LIST member

HTTP Methods: GET

Request URL Format: https://{api_domain}/api3/member

Access Permission {#listPermission}

Access to member data varies base on environment setting and requester roles. See Authentication for detail on authentication.

Private WebStorms: If the member Affiliate is running all Private WebStorms, requester must authenticate to get any member data.

Public WebStorms: If the member Affiliate is running any Public WebStorms.

  • Unauthenticated request: Response will contain only members who have accessed the current Public WebStorms. Other members will not return
  • Authenticated request: Response will contain all members

Requster Role: Some response attributes are accessible base on the requester's role.

  • email: Returns for Admin and Regular requester's own member object
  • external_user_id: Returns for Admin only
  • active: Returns for Admin only
  • group_count: Returns for Admin Only


  • Invalid object ID or you don't have access to this object
  • {parameter} must be one of these values {value_list}
  • Cannot order by {parameter_value}
  • Invalid Query

Example Request

  • Method: GET
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:

    ~~~ { "memberlist": [ { "id": "866144B1-E302-42EF-AF80-75DE988885AE", "email": "", "screenname": "John Doe", "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "active": true, "photourl": "", "photofileid": "02F11D0E-BA74-4A7D-B1BE-4F7F651B2507", "jobtitle": "Sales", "skills": "Selling Software", "workhistory": "Worked at", "phone": "123 456-789", "mobilephone": "987 654-3210", "address": "123 fake street", "externaluserid": "04567", "datecreated": "2013-03-07 19:09:54.563", "datemodified": "2013-04-18 13:14:21.067", "groupcount": 5 }, { "id": "8FA49B96-3693-4282-8919-014618D7B3B8", "email": "", "screenname": "Lillian Smith", "firstname": "Lillian", "lastname": "Smith", "photourl": "", "jobtitle": "", "skills": "", "workhistory": "", "phone": "", "mobilephone": "", "address": "", "datecreated": "2013-03-07 17:10:13.627", "datemodified": "2013-04-16 15:42:16.430", "groupcount": 3 }, { "id": "8FA49B96-3693-4282-8919-014618D7B3B8", "email": "", "screenname": "Max Power", "firstname": "Max", "lastname": "Power", "jobtitle": "Safety Inspector", "address": "742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield, IL", "phone": "(123)456-7890", "mobilephone": "(987)654-3210", "externaluserid": "0072", "skills": "Boxer, Mascot, Astronaut, Baby proofer, Truck driver, Hippie, Plow Driver, Food Critic", "workhistory": "Conceptual Artist, Mayor, Country Western Manager, Garbage Commissioner, Mountain Climber", "photourl": "", "datecreated": "2013-03-07 17:10:13.627", "datemodified": 2013-03-29 15:25:51.207, "active": true, "groupcount": 3 } ], "stats": { "total": "300", "pagecount": 60, "current_page": 3 } } ~~~

CREATE member {#create}

Create a member object.

Requester must be Admin of the Affiliate to create member.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- email
required |This is the email address of the member. Value must be in valid email format and unique to the member in the affiliate
Sample value: "" screen_name
required |This is the screen name of the member. Minimum 3 characters, maximum 50 characters, string will be truncated if length exceeds maximum. Value should be unique to the member in the affiliate. If not unique, 5 digit random character will be appended to the string
Sample value: "Max Power" last_name
optional |This is the last name of the member. Maximum 50 characters, string will be truncated if length excees maximum
Sample value: "Power" first_name
optional |This is the first name of the member. Maximum 50 characters, string will be truncated if length exceeds maximum
Sample value: "Max" job_title
optional |This is the job title of the member. Maximum 100 characters, string will be truncated if length exceeds maximum
Sample value: "Safety Inspector" address
optional |This is the address of the member. Maximum 100 characters, string will be truncated if length exceeds maximum
Sample value: "742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield, IL" phone
optional |This is the phone info of the member. Maximum 50 characters, string will be truncated if length exceeds maximum
Sample value: "(123)456-7890" mobile_phone
optional |This is the mobile phone info of the member. Maximum 50 characters, string will be truncated if length exceeds maximum
Sample value: "(987)654-3210" externaluserid
optional |This is the employee ID info of the member.
Sample value: "0072" skill
optional |This is the skill info of the member. It's a long text field.
Sample value: "Boxer, Mascot, Astronaut, Baby proofer, Truck driver, Hippie, Plow Driver, Food Critic" work_history
optional |This is the work history info of the member. It's a long text field.
Sample value: "Conceptual Artist, Mayor, Country Western Manager, Garbage Commissioner, Mountain Climber" photo
optional |This is the profile picture of the member. Value must be file object. Maximum 1MB, request accepts file in JPEG, PNG and GIF format. Square dimensions is recommended format
optional |Specifies returned data format
Accepted value: "json", "xml"

Resource Information

Authentication: Required. See Authentication for detail on authentication.

HTTP Methods: POST

Request URL Format: https://{api_domain}/api3/member

Access Permission

Requester must be an Affiliate Admin to create member. See Authentication for detail on authentication.


  • A member with this email already exist
  • {parameter} must be more than {minimum_length} characters
  • {parameter} must be less than {maximum_length} characters
  • Invalid {parameter} received

Example Request

  • Method: POST
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:
  • Form data:

    • fields[screen_name]=Jimmy Allen
    • fields[email]
    • fields[last_name]=Allen
    • fields[first_name]=Jimmy
    • fields[11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111]=Sales

    ~~~ { "member": { "id": "AF7C07AC-0D23-4673-918C-2AD13B7747D5", "email": "", "screenname": "Jimmy Allen", "firstname": "Jimmy", "lastname": "Allen", "jobtitle": "Sales", "address": "", "phone": "", "mobilephone": "", "externaluserid": "", "skills": "", "workhistory": "", "photourl": null, "datecreated": "2013-04-08 19:35:21.530", "date_modified": null, "active": true } } ~~~

UPDATE member {#update}

Update a member object.

Function updates only value of parameters passed through request. To empty out an attribute, pass parameter with blank value.


Parameters | Detail ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- password
optional |This is the password of the member. Requester can only update password for their own member object. Value must honor Affiliate password rule
Sample value: "xfoiew3FFS" screen_name
optional |This is the screen name of the member. Minimum 3 characters, maximum 50 characters, string will be truncated if length exceeds maximum. Value should be unique to the member in the affiliate. If not unique, 5 digit random character will be appended to the string
Sample value: "Max Power" last_name
optional |This is the last name of the member. Maximum 50 characters, string will be truncated if length excees maximum
Sample value: "Power" first_name
optional |This is the first name of the member. Maximum 50 characters, string will be truncated if length exceeds maximum
Sample value: "Max" job_title
optional |This is the job title of the member. Maximum 100 characters, string will be truncated if length exceeds maximum
Sample value: "Safety Inspector" address
optional |This is the address of the member. Maximum 100 characters, string will be truncated if length exceeds maximum
Sample value: "742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield, IL" phone
optional |This is the phone info of the member. Maximum 50 characters, string will be truncated if length exceeds maximum
Sample value: "(123)456-7890" mobile_phone
optional |This is the mobile phone info of the member. Maximum 50 characters, string will be truncated if length exceeds maximum
Sample value: "(987)654-3210" externaluserid
optional |This is the employee ID info of the member.
Sample value: "0072" skill
optional |This is the skill info of the member. It's a long text field.
Sample value: "Boxer, Mascot, Astronaut, Baby proofer, Truck driver, Hippie, Plow Driver, Food Critic" work_history
optional |This is the work history info of the member. It's a long text field.
Sample value: "Conceptual Artist, Mayor, Country Western Manager, Garbage Commissioner, Mountain Climber" active
optional |This is active/inactive state of the member. Parameter is available for Admin requester only
Sample value: 1: For active, 0: For inactive format
optional |Specifies returned data format
Accepted value: "json", "xml"

Resource Information

Authentication: Required. See Authentication for detail on authentication.

HTTP Methods: PUT

Request URL Format:

  • https://{api_domain}/api3/member/{id}
  • https://{api_domain}/api3/member/me

For users who are using profile 2.0: Please see the example for profile 2.0 below, screen name and email will use format--fields[parameter] in form data, and others will use format--fields[field_id].

Access Permission

Authentication is required for UPDATE memeber request. See Authentication for detail on authentication.

Affiliate Admin can make update for all members. Regular requester can only update their own.


  • You can only update your own profile
  • You cannot update other member's password
  • {parameter} must be more than {minimum_length} characters
  • {parameter} must be less than {maximum_length} characters
  • Invalid {parameter} received
  • Member doesn't exist
  • Password doesn't satisfy requirement
  • Failed to update member active flag
  • Failed to update member

Example Request

  • Method: PUT
  • Header: Authorization=Bearer 85f7b2462570acdde9a458ba6495b8763dcd040c
  • URL:
  • Form data:

    • job_title=Sales Director
    • phone=(253)745-8532
    • skills=Developing New Clients, Managing Multiple-State Territory

    ~~~ { "member": { "id": "AF7C07AC-0D23-4673-918C-2AD13B7747D5", "email": "", "screenname": "Jimmy Allen", "firstname": "Jimmy", "lastname": "Allen", "jobtitle": "Sales20Director", "address": "", "phone": "(253)745-8532", "mobilephone": "", "externaluserid": "", "skills": "Developing New Clients, Managing Multiple-State Territory", "workhistory": "", "photourl": null, "datecreated": "2013-04-08 19:35:21.530", "date_modified": "2013-04-09 15:48:03.450", "active": true } } ~~~

  • Form data for profile 2.0:

    • fields[screen_name]=JAllen
    • fields[email]
    • fields[11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111]=developer ~~~ { "member": { "id": "AF7C07AC-0D23-4673-918C-2AD13B7747D5", "email": "", "screenname": "JAllen", "firstname": "Jimmy", "lastname": "Allen", "jobtitle": "developer", "address": "", "phone": "(253)745-8532", "mobilephone": "", "externaluserid": "", "skills": "Developing New Clients, Managing Multiple-State Territory", "workhistory": "", "photourl": null, "datecreated": "2013-04-08 19:35:21.530", "date_modified": "2013-04-09 15:48:03.450", "active": true } } ~~~

FAQ {#faq}

Question: I understand passing the "with=groups" parameter on GET member request can get me the first 20 groups the member is in. But what if the member belongs in 30 groups? How do I get the other 10?

Answer: Make request to the LIST group function filter by member_id will give you list of groups the member is in. Refine result by passing page_size, page, order_by parameters.

Question: LIST member only return 100 objects maximum per request. How do I retrieve more results?

Answer: LIST member response is automatically paginated. If you requested for 100 member objects in the initial request, pass "page_size=100&page=2" to get the next 100. page_count is returned with every LIST request so your application can figure out when it hits the last page.

Question: How to update a member profile picture?

Answer: See profileImage functions on creating and deleting member profile image.

Question: How do I delete a member from an Affiliate?

Answer: DELETE member is not currently an available functionality. However, if the goal is to block a member from accessing the Affiliate, the recommended approach is to make request to the UPDATE member function passing "active=0". This will deactive the member and take away his ability to login.